Meet Kelly

Art reaches people.

Art speaks with language that cannot be spoken in plain words,

rather it taps into the unspoken experiences we all share.

Hello, I am Kelly Brinkmann, speaker, writer, and creative.

My story with Jesus began during my teen years and grew through college

where I saw the messages of hope come to life in the pottery studio.

Art connects to the gospel.

The physicality of wedging clay, walking through the process of making pottery,

and celebrating the finished piece connected with my soul and spirit to

help me understand my faith and grow as a Christian.

Speaking to audiences about art, I demonstrate how wheel-thrown pottery

being made before your eyes captures your attention, draws your heart in,

and makes us more malleable to the healing only Jesus can offer.

God uses art to heal us.

The process of reclaiming clay, or making new clay out of our mistakes

and our best efforts, captures my heart. The transformation mirrors

my own spiritual journey found in Christ.

I have been a speaker and writer for more than two decades and the

process of making art along with its spiritual lessons compels me

to share with audiences and readers so they can experience hope, freedom, and joy.

Meet the Artist.

Using my college degree in studio art, I have used creative thinking

in a variety of non-profit and corporate leadership positions throughout my career.

From writer to curriculum editor, to convention meeting sales manager and

non-profit executive director, to college teacher and community art teacher,

I have used a creative approach to problem-solving with many different groups

of people in locations across the globe. My travels to see artwork and museums

inspired my first book being released in spring 2023. My stories include many of the

spoken messages I share with women at conferences, retreats, and special events.

Based out of my home in the St. Louis, Missouri metro area with my husband

and our kids, I continue to speak and teach to others. When I am not speaking,

you will find me in my clay studio, Art & Souls Creative Studio, making artwork

or teaching art classes that introduce others to how the Creator is making us new each day.